How To Care For Your Air Conditioner?

If you are looking for great tips on how to keep your air conditioner in good shape to stay cool and save dough, this article on AC services and maintenance will help you in more than just a way.

Here are some tips to protect your air conditioner:

  • Evaluate condenser unit fan: It is suggested to turn the power off to the AC unit and thereafter checking the fan mounted on topside of the outside AC unit to ensure it is in proper condition. You may decide to replace blades of the fan if they are any noticeable chips or cracks in one or more blades.
  • Clean or replace air filter: One of the most common regular AC maintenance chores ir cleaning or replacing the air filter. It is best to clean the air filter every month during peak seasons (such as summer and winter) and once during the fall and spring.
  • The air filter can be found inside the blower compartment of the air handler or furnace or behind the return air grille on a ceiling or wall in a central room of the home or in a slot on the bottom, side, or top of the furnace.
  • Cleaning of outside unit: The outside of the air conditioner unit may get impacted by dirt, leaves, grass clippings, and the like over a period of time that can drastically reduce system capacity and air flow. It is best to make use of a garden hose, after shutting off the power to the unit, to gently wash out the debris. For this, it is ideal to start at the top with the hose at about a 45° angle. You should avoid using a power washer and ensure that the cleaning process does not damage or bend the delicate fins on the coil. You can even trim any shrubs or other plants back from around the air conditioner to ensure smooth and uninterrupted air flow to and from the unit.

If you face any difficulty or complex task, it is best to always call professional air conditioning repair companies for the best AC services.

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